вторник, 11 марта 2014 г.


The fox is a symbol of our city. You can find a fox on the coat of arms and the flag of Saransk. Why is this furry animal? Because a fox and arrows symbolizes hunting, because it was the main occupation of our ancestors. Many foxes live in forests of Mordovia. For the modern city and its inhabitants fox has become a symbol of the mind, wealth and enterprise. You can find different foxes in our city. This monument is located near the Park of Culture and Rest:
Location on map: https://www.google.ru/maps/place/Парк+им.А.С.Пушкина

This monument you will see on Lenin Avenue (location on map: https://www.google.ru/maps/place/Гимназия+№+12):

This fox on the bridge you can find near Erzya Fine Arts Museum:

On the wall of buildings:

On the coat of arms of Republic:

In the end you will find fox as keepsake of Saransk.

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