пятница, 7 марта 2014 г.


The most famous museum of Saransk is the Erzya Fine Arts Museum. It was founded as Mordovia Republican Art Gallery of  F. Sychkov, which opened on January 10, 1960. Gallery in 1978 was reorganized into the Museum of Fine Arts, which in 1995 was named after the sculptor S. Erzya. The museum has a large collection of works of famous artists of our republike such as  S. Erzya (more than 200 works),  F. Sychkov, I. Makarov and also modern and classical artists. You can also visit the Hall of folk art. Every year it is visited by more than 60,000 spectators. All information about this museum you can find on official website www.erzia-museum.ru

You can find some funny animal near museum. it is a fox. In 2009 "Fox bridge" was opened in Saransk and became the hallmark of the city. In the center of the composition there is the fox, because this animal is a symbol of Saransk. Also, there are balls of  predictions. Using them everyone has the ability to see into the future. 

Well, we will go to the Regional Museum of Republic of Mordovia. In the regional museum there are 3 sections: historical, contemporary history department and the department of nature Mordovia. In the main exposition you can see works of art and life (with the prerevolutionary period to the present day), the culture of the ancient world, flora and fauna of the Republic of Mordovia. The website http://www.mrkm.ru

The interesing fact: the museum is located in building of Trekhsvyatskyа church. It was built in 1761. The church was closed in  1935. After that the building was given to museum. There was a house of vaivode Kamenicky, where  Yemelyan Pugachev feasted. The house was demolished in the  XIX century, but stone storehouse stay here now.  Legend has connected it with the name of a popular leader, and this building is still called "Pugachevskaya tent":

Museum of  Mordovia Folk Culture.
In thematic halls of the museum visitors can find more information about  culture of Mordovia, festivals, ceremonies and wedding customs of Mordva.
Location on map: https://www.google.ru/maps/place/Музей+Мордовской+Народной+Культуры

folk costume of Mordva:

Memorial Military Museum of Fame 1941-1945
In museum collections there are over 40 000 items related to the Great Patriotic War and the Republic of Mordovia documents, archives, weapons, photographs, awards and letters from the front. In the memorial museum also exhibited paintings and sculptures dedicated to war.
Location on map: https://www.google.ru/maps/place/Музей+Военного+И+Трудового+Подвига

There is Museum of military equipment on the open air:

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